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ill health and pigeon shooting
« le: Février 27, 2020, 02:37:27 pm »

hi to every one on here
been shooting for over 30 years now
but i have just had to give it all up because of ill health
would love to do this at home with out the worry of being a burden to any one any more
got every think i need
not to sure now to set it all up or how to get the program
if somebody can help me with this i would be very thankful
many thanks
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Re : ill health and pigeon shooting
« Réponse #1 le: Mars 03, 2020, 12:24:31 am »

Hi Colin,

Thank you for coming and registering on this community, the aim of which is to allow everyone to set up their own simulator, but for the moment development is suspended pending the completion of some other projects.

We will be back soon after and also allow all members of this community to test our products and mount their own simulators.


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